Project image for: corpuls.mission REPORT

corpuls.mission REPORT

Medical technology
450 Employees
1 Product Owner1 Scrum Master7 Developers2 Testers
Project image for: corpuls.mission REPORT

Business Problem

corpuls is a worldwide operating company that specializes in developing, manufacturing and dispersal of medical appliances.

One of its products is the corpuls.mission app, which offers various modules for collaborative work between rescue forces during a mission and telemedics. These include modules such as mission text and video chat. This allows tele-medics to order required actions that are time-critical for the patient and thus can be life-saving.

For high flexibility, the application is offered as a web app for desktop and mobile app for iOS and Android. Furthermore, rescue workers have to document their missions and record all findings as well as measures for a handover. Until now, this was done on printed forms, the completion of which is complicated by confusion and susceptibility to errors. Therefore, a tool for documentation that is as intuitive and supportive as possible is needed, which is much better and more directly tailored to the mission.

To improve our understanding of the requirements of the rescue forces, we were invited to a practical workshop. During this workshop, a rescue mission from arrival to transport in a real ambulance was simulated with the help of trained medics.

Business Solution

A new module called corpuls.mission REPORT is being developed for documentation. corpuls is developing a web app, mobile apps for iOS and Android as well as the corresponding backend for this module, focusing on a good UX (user experience). We use familiar schemes for medical personnel such as FAST and ABCDE and offer them in such a way that they can be filled out easily and quickly on a PC as well as on a tablet.

Technical Solution

Our team is responsible for the development of the web app. For the web interface we rely on the Angular framework, the programming itself is done with TypeScript. The backend is built on a Spring boot application with Java and provides REST interfaces, as well as web sockets for the various clients. As for the database, we use a MongoDB.

Since the application is used worldwide, we implemented an internationalized hybrid that offers each client a high degree of customizability of the terminologies.

Because customer requests and a constant provision of executable product iterations are important, the team works according to the Scrum model. The team language is German, the documentation is in English, as the product is used worldwide.

Web Socket
Angular Material
Profile picture of Claudia Wunderlich
Claudia Wunderlich
Frontend DeveloperOct 2022 - Sep 2023
Profile picture of André Kamrad
André Kamrad
Backend DeveloperNov 2022 - Sep 2023

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